Basic Breeding Concepts and Considerations
( Research by: JSN )
Breeding Game fowl is
one of the many challenging aspects of the Sport of Kings. Numerous books and
articles have been written on the subject and they all contain something of
value. Over the past several decades, it my belief that the understanding of
basic genetics has helped the modern breeder maintain and improve some of the
great families of game fowl that have been passed down through the generations.
Maintaining and improving bloodlines is the primary
goal of cockers. Some would say that cockfighting is practiced to provide an
avenue for gambling or to satisfy a primitive blood lust. After 25 years with
game fowl, I can say that the core of cockfighting is about the perpetuation of an
ancient, noble and beautiful feathered gladiator by breeding the best to the
best. Cockfighting is about holding in our hands the descendents of the same
birds that our ancestors held in their hands while admiring the same qualities
and puzzling over the same mysteries. Finally, cockfighting is about standing
in awe of nature, which has instilled an incredibly deep survival instinct in
every living creature.
Just a few more notes before we jump into the
subject… I am not a professional breeder. I have never created my own bloodline
that whipped all the big boys, although I have bred some pretty good roosters.
However, like all cockers, I have some opinions on the subject and a friend
asked me to write them down. I have no chickens for sale and no axes to grind.
I just enjoy getting some information out there for the beginners to think
about. My opinions are based on a combination of basic genetics, my own
personal experiences with breeding gamefowl, and a little common sense.
An effective breeding program is a process that
requires a systematic approach. I consider the process equivalent to a road
that leads to a particular destination. A cocker can choose the vehicle
(bloodlines) and the route (specific breeding techniques) to take. However, a
map should be drawn out before the journey starts and it should be consulted
from time to time to make sure the original destination seems to be getting
closer. Sometimes the destination may change, so a breeder has to remain open
minded and flexible. The road is definitely bumpy, but it can be very scenic
and enjoyable.
I have identified some important components to any
successful breeding program. The following steps, hard work and a little
luck will help a gamefowl breeder produce quality gamefowl.
The 7 steps of successful gamefowl breeding
1. Establishing specific goals for the breeding
2. Identifying and obtaining foundation bloodlines
3. Selecting superior individuals within the
bloodlines to breed
4. Setting up the broodpens: choosing breeding
5. Progeny testing: evaluating the success of the
6. Managing the brood fowl to optimize their
productivity and the health of
their offspring.
7. Record keeping: keeping it accurate
Step 1: Establishing Goals
In my opinion, establishing goals or objectives is
the most important part of the breeding program. Goals for a gamefowl breeding
program are probably most easily measured in terms of the winning percentage of
the offspring (progeny testing). Having a breeding goal that is quantifiable,
or can be measured, assists the breeder when evaluating the success of the
specific matings and the bloodlines used in the breeding program. However,
there are many factors that contribute to the winning percentage. For example,
age, conditioning, weapon used (style, set, quality of steel), the level of the
competition and even luck all have a very significant impact on the outcome of
a contest. For this reason, I think it is important to include specific
traits as goals in addition to a desired winning percentage. This is because
certain traits (primary traits) are correlated to higher winning percentages,
and if the fowl produced posses these traits, the chances of success in the pit
will increase. Examples of primary traits linked to winning bloodlines include
cutting ability, fighting style, strength, speed, body size and type, station,
spur alignment, bone size, disposition, and gameness. Other traits
(secondary traits) such as eye color, feather color and condition, leg color,
and comb type are important but tend to have a weaker or no correlation to
winning percentage.
In order to establish traits as goals, it is
necessary to group the traits in order of importance. The most
important traits should receive the most attention (selection intensity)
in the breeding program. More rapid progress can be made by focusing the
breeding program on one or few traits. However, this tends to cause a decline
or lack of progress in other areas, so a cautious and balanced approach is
needed. A breeding program that is balanced will tend to make slower initial
progress, but in the long term will outperform a breeding program based on
intensive selection for a limited number of traits.
In the following table, I will group traits
according to their relative degree of importance in my breeding program, and
the degree of selection intensity I feel is merited to each group. Although the
groups are arranged by relative importance, all traits in groups A, B & C
are important, and all require careful monitoring and consideration. Please
keep in mind that these traits, in addition to a minimum winning percentage,
are the goals I have established for my breeding program, and are based
on my personal preferences, observations, and experiences. Breeding
program goals for others cockers will likely be significantly different.
General Trait
Specific Quality
Cutting ability
efficient; deep
Resistant to
disease and stress
Tries to destroy
the opponent 100% of the time
Fighting Style
adaptive, head back
Capable of powerful
Able to
overwhelm/avoid opponent
Ability to give and
take for long periods of time
Avg 5
Winning percentage
Bone size
Spur Alignment
Low on shank/aligns
with prop toe
Eye color
Red or Orange
Plumage condition
Flexible, long
Leg color
Characteristic of
the breed
Comb type
Characteristic of
the breed
Plumage Color
Characteristic of
the breed
2: Identifying and Obtaining Broodfowl
Finding and obtaining the broodfowl that will
meet or exceed expectations is essential to success as a breeder. The fowl the
breeder starts his program with are the foundation of the breeding program. A
breeder should take his time before rushing out and buying fowl, because
finding the good ones is not easy. There are several approaches that can be
used, although some methods work better than others.
Identifying a desirable bloodline is best
determined by their offspring’s performance in the pit. Fight reports,
recommendations from friends, and attending derbies are all ways to get
an idea of how they have performed for other cockers. The fowl should be very
strong in the group A and B traits that were identified when planning the goals
of the breeding program, and adequate or better in as many of the group C
traits as possible. The closer to the goal we are at the beginning, the more
quickly it can be reached. A breeder must be completely honest in his
evaluation of the merits and demerits of the prospective bloodlines. The
purchasing of broodfowl is a lot like getting married… make sure you can live
with what you bring home. If a breeder sees something he doesn’t like, and
breeds these fowl, chances are that this trait will likely be passed into the
future generations of his fowl.
The most certain way of obtaining good fowl is
through friendship. Often a good friend is willing to share his best, compete
in a combined entry in derbies, and to swap broodfowl in the future as needed.
The advantage of getting fowl through friends is that the breeder has seen the
birds compete and knows their strengths and weaknesses and can plan the
breeding program accordingly.
Another method is to attend derbies and watch
for breeders that show fowl that consistently display the qualities the buyer
is looking for. The key is to attend derbies at the same or better level of
competition than the level at which the buyer plans to compete in the future
(average cocks look good against mediocre competition, but look flat-footed and
slow in fast company). Once the sights have been set on a particular bloodline,
it would help the buyer to become friends with the breeder. The buyer should
inquire how the cocks are bred, how long he has had the bloodline, the origin
of the bloodline, and the breeder’s opinion on some important traits and
qualities. The breeder may or may not be interested in selling any broodfowl.
If not, the buyer may be able to purchase battlefowl instead, test the
battlecrosses, and if they pass the test, continue to try to get some
broodstock. A buyer should always be respectful and persistent. If the buyer
can find out where this successful breeder obtained his fowl, he may be able to
get similar fowl from the same source.
Another method is purchasing through the
magazines or from the internet. This is definitely the method with the highest
rate of failure. There are excellent, legitimate breeders that advertise and
those who are not; it is very hard from an advertisement or website to
determine who will ship you the type of fowl the buyer wants. If hecan travel
to the breeder’s farm, it would improve the chances of getting the good ones,
but this, of course, is not a foolproof method.
Step 3.
Selecting Superior Individuals
Once the bloodline has been identified and
the breeder has agreed to sell some of his fowl, the selection of specific
individuals is required. If the buyer order chickens though an advertisement,
he must clearly specify his requirements to the breeder and ask if he has fowl
that will meet the criteria (e.g., station, body type, fighting style). Once
again, visiting the breeder at his farm is a significant advantage when
selecting brood or battlefowl. There are often subtle differences between
individuals within the same bloodline. For example, if the buyer has a choice
between two superb physical specimens with one having a better disposition, it
will assist the breeding program to start with the calmer, gentler bird.
The goals for the breeding program should be
consulted during the selection process. Every cock and hen should be evaluated
with respect to the goals. Selected individuals must be extremely healthy,
active and in good flesh. They should be balanced, proportional and represent
the characteristics of the bloodline. Both cocks and hens should be relatively
calm and good natured. Although mature stags and pullets from winning families
are perfectly acceptable for breeding, I prefer fowl that are 2 to 5 years of
age so that I have had a chance to test them and their immediate family before
introducing them into the breeding program. Waiting until cocks and hens are
mature also helps identify any desirable or undesirable traits that may not be
readily apparent in stags and pullets (e.g., spraddle legs, nervous
personality, late developing fighting ability).
I consider what we do as cockers very similar
to what happens in nature, where every individual is competing for survival
each and every day. Individuals that can’t compete or adapt do not survive,
thus their DNA does not get passed to the next generation. Consider how
efficiently birds of prey hunt, pursue and capture their quarry. It stands to
reason that the best hunters, those that can adapt to different prey, different
habitats, adverse weather conditions and can win territorial disputes will have
the greatest reproductive success, thus passing the good genes on the next
generation. Likewise, cockers should try to select individuals that have proven
their worth in the pit and/or whose brothers, offspring, immediate family
have proven themselves in the pit. Only through competition can we select
individuals that have the mental and physical attributes to get the job done.
These individuals should be the cornerstones of our breeding programs.
4. Choosing the Right Breeding Strategies
Much has been written about breeding
strategies and techniques that have been used successfully to produce ace
cocks. Inbreeding, linebreeding, outcrossing, and crossbreeding are breeding
strategies that all have their place in the overall breeding program. These
methods, when used appropriately, offer the breeder the best chance to maintain
bloodlines and to produce consistently competitive battlefowl. The breeder
should keep in mind that the foundation of any breeding method is to breed
physically and mentally sound cocks and hens that come from winning families.
Before I discuss breeding methods, a quick
discussion of basic genetics is needed. Genetics is a very complex subject. The
inheritance and expression of DNA is subject to several known and unknown
mechanisms of action, of which college textbooks cover in great detail. Complex
genetic interactions, the inheritance of sex-linked traits, and traits
influenced by multiple genes are certainly relevant to gamefowl breeding but
are beyond the scope of this article.
Genes are made up of pieces of DNA, which carries the
information about a particular trait. The genotype is the sum of all genes present on the chromosomes.
The phenotype is the appearance of the traits, a visual expression of the genotype.
Genes almost always occur in pairs. This means that each cock or hen has two
copies of any given gene for a specific trait, one derived from the father and
one from the mother. A bird that has two different genes for a specific trait
is said to be heterozygous for that trait. A bird that has the same two genes for a given trait is homozygous for that trait.
Some genes and their corresponding traits are dominant or incompletely dominant and others are recessive. A cock that is heterozygous for a particular trait (has one dominant
gene and one recessive gene) will look the same as, or similar to (incomplete
dominance), to one that is homozygous dominant (has two of the same dominant
genes) for that trait. Recessive genes are hidden when paired with a dominant
gene. When recessive genes are in a homozygous state (both are identical), they
are expressed in the phenotype. An example of this with white and yellow leg
color. The gene for white legs is dominant to the gene for yellow legs, meaning
a white legged cock or hen could have one gene for white legs (W)and one gene
for yellow legs (y), or two genes for white legs (WW). If two heterozygous
white legged fowl were bred together (Wy x Wy), the offspring would be approximately
75% white legged [WW or Wy] and 25 % yellow legged [yy] because there is an
equal probability that the parent will pass the white legged or yellow legged
gene to the offspring. In this case, the ratio of genes in the offspring would
be 1 WW: 2 Wy : 1 yy. Another way to say this is that 75% of the chicks would
carry the dominant gene for white legs and 25% would receive a recessive yellow
legged gene from each parent. In this case where the recessive yellow legged
gene is in a homozygous state, it is expressed in the phenotype as yellow legs.
Inbreeding is the breeding of two individuals
who are related to each other. Typically all fowl from the same family of fowl
are related to some degree, thus inbreeding is practiced whenever we maintain a
“pure” line. Linebreeding is a form of inbreeding where particularly superior
individuals are used in several generations, which tends to emphasize the
genetic influence of the individual in the family. Inbreeding increases
the probability that the two copies of any given gene for a particular trait
will be identical, or homozygous for that gene. If the cock and hen are
related, there is a chance that the two genes in the offspring are both
identical copies contributed by the common ancestor. Close inbreeding uncovers
hidden, often undesirable homozygous recessive genes that are carried by both
parent fowl. Inbreeding depression is a term used to describe the reduction in
performance caused by the expression of these recessive genes in inbred
individuals. Some cockers will use this as a tool to test a new bloodline by
fighting year old stags from a brother/sister mating, since this intensive form
of inbreeding will quickly bring undesirable qualities to the surface such as
lack of gameness.
Since mating related and
phenotypically-identical individuals also tends to increase the number of
homozygous dominant genes in the progeny, fowl become more uniform in those
traits emphasized in the breeding program. Although true with any breeding
system, additional care must be taken with intensive inbreeding (breeding
closely related, inbred individuals). Only the very best physical specimens
should be retained for maintaining the bloodline and crossing with other
bloodlines. Producing these exceptional individuals requires hatching and
raising a lot of chicks to increase the probability of the right genetic
combination occurring in the offspring.
Increasing homozygous genes in a family through
inbreeding increases the probability of producing “prepotent” individuals. Prepotency
is the ability of an individual to pass their desirable dominant genes to their
offspring. For this reason, prepotent individuals are extremely valuable in
linebreeding systems to improve and maintain bloodlines. Although inbreeding
will increase the probability of producing prepotency, in my own experience an
ace crossbred battlecock was prepotent. Nearly all of his stags were virtually
identical to the cock, including fighting style, body shape and station, leg
color, a plumage color. They even sounded the same as they all had his
distinctive voice.
Outcrossing is the mating of individuals within the
same bloodline but having no close ancestral relationships. For example, a trio
of Clarets was single mated producing a dozen stags from each hen. When the
stags matured into cocks, they were fought and the best multiple time winners
were selected for breeding purposes. The original hens were bred to their best
sons, and the original cock was used once in the third year in each family. For
the next 7 years, the two lines were kept separate, and the original hen and
her exceptional son were bred several times in the following generations to
increase their genetic contribution to each family. After 10 years, the lines
were bred together, resulting in an outcross. The offspring from this mating
were tested and the best individuals were bred back to the separate lines. This
method of breeding, along with careful selection and progeny testing, can be
used to maintain pure families without introducing outside blood. Using
linebred, prepotent individuals is highly desirable when outcrossing.
Crossbreeding occurs when two unrelated fowl
are mated. Crossbred individuals have many more heterozygous dominant genes
present in their genotype. In a heterozygous genotype, dominant genes mask the
influence of undesirable or desirable recessive genes. Many of the most
successful battlecrosses are produced from crossing two or more unrelated,
inbred families of fowl. In fact, the primary reason for maintaining inbred families
of fowl is to produce individuals that can be used in crossbreeding systems.
This is because crossing two unrelated, inbred bloodlines often results in
hybrid vigor in the offspring. Hybrid vigor, or ‘heterosis,’ is the term used
when a crossbred individual outperforms the parent fowl. Crossbreeding is
widely used in commercial animal production and has proven successful. Hybrid
animals and plants tend to grow faster, be more productive and more resistant
to stress and disease. Once again, it must be emphasized that the
greatest degree of heterosis is seen when inbred, prepotent individuals are
used as the parent fowl.
So how does one select the breeds to cross?
Some gamefowl breeders advocate crossing fowl that complement each other, such
as breeding a power cock over speed hens, in hopes of producing the ultimate
combination of desirable qualities. Others advocate breeding fowl that are
similar in type and action, contending that the resulting offspring are more
likely to be consistent and predictable.
In my opinion, both schools of thought are
likely correct because both have proven to be successful. For example, the
popular cross of various Hatch and Roundhead families clearly indicate
the theory of complementary families is valid. Highly competitive crosses
made up of similar families like the Kelso and Albany fowl prove that crossing
families that have similar attributes is also effective. The success and
failure of any cross is dependent upon the compatibility of the genes and the
only way of knowing if the fowl will “nick” is to breed them together and test
their progeny.
Crossbred fowl can be used in the breeding
program. Many breeders will use superior crosses to add new blood into one or
both of the parent lines, especially if the parent lines are intensively
inbred and showing signs of inbreeding depression. After the initial
introduction, the new blood is bred out in succeeding generations. The
introduced family should be of unquestioned quality, as the introduction of
inferior genes into an inbred family is an irreversible process. Recently I was
given a trio of Regular Greys from a great friend. The fowl have an excellent
winning percentage in the gaff and fight a smart style that would be effective
in any weapon. They are deep game, deadly cutters, have great bodies and are
good natured. Their major shortcoming is that the old cock and his two
daughters are medium stationed. Since my goal is to produce high stationed
cocks, I have developed a plan to increase their station. Since all three of
the adult fowl are medium stationed, I am not hopeful that any of the stags and
pullets out of this trio will be high stationed. However, there is a
possibility that a recessive gene for high station is being masked, so I am
breeding them pure to see if the recessive genes will pair up and produce some
high stationed offspring. As an insurance policy, I bred a high station Claret
broodstag out of a solid Claret bloodline from the same breeder to one of the
Grey hens this year. From the stags and pullets I raise from this mating, I
will keep the best overall individuals with the highest station to breed back
to Greys next season. Since the pullets of any mating often more closely
resemble the broodcock, I expect several of the ½ Grey ½ Claret pullets from
this mating to be high stationed like the Claret stag. Like wise, the best
performing high stationed ¾ Grey and ¼ Claret cocks (which should be carrying
the genes for high station from the ½ and ½ pullets) will be bred over the pure
Grey hens. If the pure Greys I’m breeding this year produce any high stationed
stags or pullets, they will also be bred to the high stationed Grey/Claret
crosses and back to the parent fowl. The goal is to eventually breed the Claret
contribution down to a 1/16 or 1/32, while retaining the genes for higher
Although breeding crossbred fowl to each
other is usually unsuccessful, some two-way crosses nick with a third
bloodline. Some of the best fowl I have ever raised were out of a ½ Butcher ½
Lacy Roundhead cock and a Hatch hen. If all three of the original parent fowl
are from inbred families, the 3-way crosses can be very consistent in
appearance and style. When breeding crosses to crosses, a few excellent
individuals may be produced but the pairings of the thousands of possible
genetic combinations tends to produce predominantly average or mediocre
individuals. An exception to the rule might be a four-way cross produced by
mating a two-way cross cock out of two unrelated inbred families (e.g., Hatch
and Kelso) to a two-way cross hen out of two unrelated inbred families (e.g.,
Butcher and Roundhead). Some animal experiments have indicated an
additional boost of hybrid vigor is possible from the resulting four-way cross.
This is something you may want to try if you have four inbred families.
All modern breeders acknowledge that the fowl
used to develop today’s bloodlines were crosses. However, the successful
bloodlines the great breeders in the past developed from these crosses were
refined over many years through selection of superior individuals, inbreeding,
testing and extensive culling.
No discussion of breeding is complete without
addressing single mating, flock mating and yard breeding. The most haphazard
and careless way to breed could be called ‘yard breeding.’ This is when the
cocker lets his hens runs loose on the yard with cocks on strings. Yard
breeding will result in chicks out of several different cocks and hens, as hens
will often lay in the same nest, and the breeder will have no idea which hen
and cock produced the dunghill or what combination produced the ace. Likewise,
another questionable method is flock mating, when one cock is bred
simultaneously to several hens of different breeds. The breeder may get some
good chickens, but without trapnesting, it is impossible to know what hen laid
the golden eggs. A somewhat better flock mating method is to breed a cock to
full sisters. However, there are some hens that are much superior producers
than their sisters, and with this system it is impossible to know which hens
are the best. I recommend for the serious breeder of inbred families, single
mating a cock with individually penned hens. In this way, the best individuals
are rapidly identified. Their offspring can be single mated and the best
retained from those future generations. Once the best hens are identified, they
can be used in a flock mating system to produce battlecocks.
Single mating can be a lot of work even if
the breeder has just a few cocks and hens. It requires moving the cock every
1-3 days to each hen pen. This year I used a chain link dog kennel 12’ wide and
16’ long to single mate three hens. I built a tee-pee shelter in three corners
with a roost and nest box in each one, and tied the hens out on tie-cords. I
covered the pen with 2” poultry netting and turned the cock loose among the
hens. The hens laid in their individual nests and I didn’t have to move the
cock, as he visited each hen several times per day. Based on my hatching rate,
he did a fine job, and I know exactly what hen and cock produced each chick.
In summary,
consider these key points:
· Inbreeding is a long-term breeding strategy. It is
most useful as a way to strengthen and preserve valuable genetic information in
a bloodline. Individuals from these inbred bloodlines are valuable for
producing hybrid battle crosses.
· Inbreeding increases the number of homozygous
genes. Remember that this applies to desirable and undesirable genes equally.
If inbred fowl are mated and the progeny display undesirable traits, both
parents and offspring should be removed from the breeding program because the
parents are carriers for the recessive, undesirable gene expressed in the
offspring. These individuals could be retained for crossing.
· Line breeding is a form of inbreeding in which
superior individuals are used multiple times in several generations in the
development and maintenance of a bloodline. Line breeding increases the
probability that desirable genes from the superior individuals are passed on to
the subsequent generations. Care must be taken when line breeding apparently
superior fowl to other closely related individuals because of the potential for
uncovering and passing on undesirable genes.
· Out crossing is the mating of unrelated individuals within
a bloodline. It is a valuable strategy to maintain a bloodline with minimal
effects from inbreeding depression. This strategy requires the maintenance of
two or more families within a bloodline.
· Crossbreeding is the mating of unrelated individuals
from two or more separate bloodlines. When compatible bloodlines are used,
crossbreeding often results in hybrid vigor, which occurs when the offspring
exceeds the performance of the parent fowl.
Step 5. Evaluating
the Progeny
The ultimate measure of success of any breeding
program is the quality of the resulting offspring. The relative success of the
matings is determined by the ability of the offspring to meet the criteria
defined in the goals of the breeding program in Step 1. When breeding
inbred families to produce broodfowl, it is only possible to initially
evaluate their outward appearance, body structure, health and
disposition; the ultimate test for the worth of broodfowl is their ability to
produce winners and future generations of top quality broodfowl. This can make
mistakes very costly considering the time and money required to determine the
quality of their offspring.
Competition in the pit tests the offspring of the
broodfowl and skill of the breeder. Information learned about fighting
style, speed, cutting ability and other important traits should be gathered,
analyzed, and used to guide the breeding program in future breeding seasons.
Only through experience and being present at the pit when his warriors are
doing battle can the breeder learn the weaknesses and strengths of his fowl and
make adjustments to the breeding program.
It is true that superior battlecocks don’t always
make superior broodcocks. However, history has proven that superior battlecocks
make great broodcocks frequently enough to consider breeding a few great
winners every year. I like to use great battlecocks over inbred pullets from
another breed to make three-way crosses. Some of the greatest breeders of the
past bought spectacular crossbred cocks at the pit and bred them into various
‘yards’ or families. They had to discard many of these yards after the
offspring were tested, but some of these crossbred yards produced lines that
are winning today.
The level of competition is an important factor to
consider when evaluating battlefowl. It is a good idea for the breeder to
compete a few times each year at the highest level of competition that he can
afford. In this way the breeder can get a better idea of how his fowl measure
up to the big boys.
6. Managing Broodfowl
It is often said that if two cockers were
given identical bloodlines, it would take just a few generations for the
descendents of the original parent fowl to look and act completely different.
Most of this phenomenon may be related to a different emphasis on specific
traits when selecting broodfowl, and it is also related to differing
environments (soil, water, climate, feed). However, another significant effect
is due to management.
For example, one management technique is to supply
artificial lighting to stimulate early egg production. Early eggs mean earlier
chicks, which tends to produce larger adult fowl than those hatched in late
spring. This simple management technique can have a significant impact on body
size. Another example is the effect of the health of the broodfowl upon the
health of the offspring. Since health is one of the most important traits we
select for, we must manage the broodfowl to maximize health.
The following generic recommendations should be
considered to optimize the productivity and performance of the broodfowl.
Specific management techniques should be employed in certain situations (e.g.,
disease; predators; environmental conditions, etc.).
1. Employ a regular de-worming and
de-lousing program.
2. Control
the body weight of the broodfowl through diet and exercise. Fat broodcocks tend
to produce a lower percentage hatch. Likewise, fat hens lay fewer eggs. Trim
the feathers around the vent of each cock and hen to maximize the mating
3. Provide
enough pen space to minimize stress from overcrowding. In my experience, the
minimum floorspace for a single mating broodpen (one cock and hen) is 4’ x 5’
or 20 square feet.
4. Provide
a round roost pole, approximately 2.5 inches in diameter. In flock mating
system, adequate roost space is an important detail, as the dominant hens will
force the submissive hens off the roost until it is nearly dark. This is
stressful on all of the fowl.
5. Provide
clean, fresh and dry bedding material in the pen.
6. Provide
a nest that is big enough so the hen can turn around freely and is protected
from the weather. Use clean straw, shavings, or other material in the
nest. In a flock mating system, use one nest per 3 hens if the eggs are
picked up daily.
7. When
using an incubator or a surrogate mother to hatch the eggs, eggs should be
picked up at least once per day, kept clean and stored between 55 and 60
degrees Fahrenheit.
8. Discard
undersized, oversized and odd-shaped eggs.
9. Wash
dirty eggs soon after gathering. Use hot water and soap or plain hot water and
dip in a diluted bleach solution.
10. Feed
a breeder pellet if available. The breeder diet is balanced to promote optimum
fertility and hatchability, as well as good egg shell quality. Laying pellets
are formulated for the commercial production of eggs without consideration of
the requirements of the developing embryo or newly hatched chick.
11. Provide oyster shells free-choice for strong
12. Feed
fruit and vegetables to penned fowl.
13. Always
provide clean fresh water and use a high quality vitamin/electrolyte product
1-3 days per week or more often during extreme heat.
14. During
the off-season when fowl are not breeding, allow them access to grass.
15. Practice
biosecurity. Keep visitors to a minimum, and require shoe disinfection for
those who do visit.
16. Minimize
the introduction of new fowl onto the premises. New fowl are potential disease
carriers. Isolate new fowl for at least two weeks before introducing them into
your breeding program.
Step 7. Record Keeping
To keep track of the specific individuals and
matings used in the breeding program, it is necessary to keep accurate records.
This will help when the breeder needs to go back and figure out exactly how
specific fowl were bred or to determine the degree of relationship between
certain individuals within a family or bloodline.
Records should identify the individuals used in the
brood pen, including their bloodline, toe mark and wingband number. The toemark
and wingband numbers for the chicks produced from this mating also needs
recording in the record book. I also record the number of eggs set,
chicks hatched, and date hatched.
During the growing period, I also record mortality
caused from predators, disease, culling or other reasons, and note the broodpen
number. If I use medication or vaccinate, I record what, when, and why it
was used and the results.
Most cockers probably breed a family of fowl 5 or 6
years before they lose the ‘pure’ individuals and can’t maintain it or the fowl
do not measure up to their standards and are discarded. Probably most gamefowl
families out there don’t measure up to the requirements of a serious, top-level
competitor. However, numerous stories exist of cockers discarding or losing
families of fowl only to realize later that they were, in fact, a great
bloodline. I have had this experience and I’ll bet most cockers with some
breeding experience have also had this unpleasant realization.
Recognizing ‘diamonds in the rough’ is a challenge.
If the breeder is starting with deep game cocks, he’ll have a great foundation
and with some luck and intelligent breeding decisions, he’ll have something to
be proud of. A breeder has to have patience and stick with it. He must breed as
many as he can, cull them hard, keep accurate and detailed records, and spend
as much time as possible just observing the fowl. Over time, some cockers even
develop a ‘gut feel’ for mating individuals or crossing specific bloodlines.
Regardless if you become a legendary breeder or stay down to earth on the
backyard level, the point is to enjoy the process of creating extremely
competitive, awe-inspiring, and absolutely beautiful feathered warriors.
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