Sunday, April 21, 2013

This is the house where I stay in the farm. A cozy house where a very silent environment and a typical province life you will enjoy. In this site I do stay during weekends savoring the views of my birds and really fresh and clean air is abundant. Just behind this house is my farm which I really enjoyed because of my love to my birds.

Cocking most of the time were being mistakenly expressed by others as a bad habit for individuals but there are exceptions that you, yourself is the one responsible how you will execute your hobby of raising cocks. Most people interpret that if you raise gamebirds, you are are then a gambler. But, there are people that raise  gamebirds because they are enthusisast or they have the love for gamebirds.

I myself is an enthusiast. I honestly accept that I do gamble to test my raised birds if they will be worth of how much the people will acquire. I do not want that if someone bought a bird from my yard and after a day comeback to me and tell me that youre birds are nothing.

Friends, this hobby needless to say that everyone's desire is to win in the cockpit, that is why the people that do not understand what is cocking categorized us as gamblers, which is not an appropriate terminology..

GAMBLERS?   How will you define a gambler and an enthusiast? Ii is quite a complicated question, is'nt it?
I do place abet in the cockpit but I do not place bet for gmbling purposes, the thing which I would like to know is what bird  I have raised? Of course bringing your bird and have a fight in the cockpit is not free. You have to place a bet to have your bird pitted. I do raise my fighting cocks for commercial purpose, but I have to be sure that my birds are worth on someones money. It will be up to them what will be their next program for the bird. I do advise what are the do"s and dont"s of the bird he will select  acquired from me.

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